'Naruto' is a hit Japanese manga/anime series that tells the story of Naruto Uzumaki, an adolescent ninja who searches for recognition from his peers and the village and also dreams of becoming the Hokage, the leader of his village.
This EXCLUSIVE Pop! features Kakashi, one of Konoha's most talented ninja; regularly looked to for advice and leadership despite his personal dislike of responsibility. he comes complete with Lightning Blade.
POP! is a crossover vinyl figure series by Funko and other famous franchises such as Disney, Pixar, DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Star Wars, Simpsons, South Park, Uglydoll, etc. Each POP! figure is about 3" to 5" tall and crafted in a Japanese anime/manga super-deformed style. The POP! Heroes x DC Universe series features characters from DC Comics' famous super heroes / villains, such as Aquaman, Batman, Flash, Green Lantern, Joker, Superman, Wonder Woman, etc.
Product Specifications
- Vinyl figure stands around 3" to 5" tall
- Made of plastic / vinyl figure
- Urban stylized design with window display box packaging
- Figure perfect for decoration and an amazing collectable item
- Check out other Funko figures! Collect them all!
- Length : 11 cm
- Width : 9 cm
- Height : 15 cm